Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Tuesday morning. Chest & Back yesterday went well, with my pull-ups increasing steadily. I used the push-up bars for the first time, and the increased range of motion reduced my reps. But I will get used to them, and the results should be better.

I'm still hungry often. I joined the public chatroom last nite with Tony Horton joining. He said that you shouldn't be stuffed or starving, and altho I'm not starving, I'm hungry a great deal. But I'm gonna keep trying for 1800 cals a day for a while longer. I am going to try to increase my protein % tho.

On Wednesday, I am going to try to ride my bike to school. I'll save on gas, on car wear, and get extra cardio. We'll see how that goes.

Plyo today. Daunting. It'll get better.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sat Nite

Really brought it on Kenpo. Wasn't very sore while doing the workout, but was for the rest of the day. The diet is hard. I ate about 1950 calories today and I'm still hungry at night. I'll keep trying tho. Tomorrow is rest day or X Stretch, & I'm gonna try to stretch every rest day. Flexibility is good!

First Entry!

Welcome to my P90X Blog! Here is not only my first attempt at blogging, but I will be using this as a journal of my current exercise program, P90X, along with other important events that are happening in my life. Like I said, this is my first blog, so bear with me. Feel free to skip over any parts you wish!

Allow me to begin with my background. I'm male, age 35, single, no children, no girlfriend, living with my identical twin brother Marc in a two-bedroom apartment in Tallahassee, FL. I'm a student at Florida State University in my senior year majoring in Environmental Studies. I'm a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, with over two years clean and sober. I don't have any sort of social life. My brother and I keep to ourselves, just going to school for me and work for him, and we exercise. A lot. Marc is a triathlete training for his first Ironman.

Now about my P90x program. I have finished my first round of P90X, the Lean program, and am on day 6 of my second round, the Classic program. Here are my results from my fitness test:

Day 1 / Day 90

Weight 150 / 142
Chest 36 / 37
Waist 34 / 31
Hips 38 / 35
R Thigh 22 / 19.5
L Thigh 23 / 19.5
R Arm 14 / 14
L Arm 14 / 14
Rest Heart Rate 66 / 62

Pull-Ups (wide grip front) 5 / 15
Vertical Leap 11.5 / 14.5
Push-Ups 51 / 80
Toe Touch -2.5 / +4
Wall Squat 1:30 / 2:21
Bicep Curls (Black Band) 14 / 30
In & Outs 28 / 80

I am really happy with my increases in strength and flexibility, but wish I was more cut/muscular looking. That results are probably most likely linked to diet.

My diet during my the Lean program was good, but not great. I started by keeping a strict eye on calorie consumption and percentages, but grew tired of keeping up with it and instead turned to following the P90X Nutrition Portion Plan. Then about halfway through, I went nearly completely vegetarian, and stopped following the P90X plan and just tried to each a healthy diet. I lost weight and body fat, but I am nowhere near cut. My little belly is still here.

Now, with the start of my Classic program, I am closely watching my caloric intake and percentages using the Calorie King website. I am shooting for 1800 calories a day, with percentages being near 50/40/10 (carbs/protein/fat). So far, I have been doing well with the cals, but my percents have been nearer to 60/30/10. I eat mostly veggie, but am now eating tuna nearly every day with my salads. My diet doesn't change too much day by day, and once a week Marc and I go to Mellow Mushroom for pizza. We both each eat a 10 inch pizza; Marc eats a pepperoni and garlic and I a veggie with no black olives. This is our weekly cheat meal, and occasionally will have desert with it too.

Now a summary so far of my P90X Classic program.

I started on Monday May 14, 2007 with Chest & Back, and Ab Ripper X. After taking three weeks off after Lean, with only sporadic cardio, I was hurting by the end of the workout. Ab Ripper killed me. Could barely get through it with all kinds of breaks.

Tuesday was Plyometrics X. This routine wasn't in the Lean program, so this was my first time doing it. I was happy to do a new P90X, but the excitement didn't last long as this workout totally thrashed me! So much jumping! I was breathing heavy through the whole thing and was drenched with sweat by the end. And boy did it leave me sore!!

Wednesday was Shoulders & Arms. Pretty easy workout comparatively, and I had to turn to the bands because our weights are getting to light for me (yea!). Made it all the way through Abs without taking a break!

Thursday was Yoga X. This was my 17 time doing this workout, and it flew by! Yoga is good, and hard, and gets me all stretchy!

Friday was the brutal Legs & Back. In Lean, this workout always left me so sore I could barely walk. It was as rough as ever, but I brought it with the pull-ups, and today, Saturday, I'm not as sore as I thought I would be. Cool! Made it almost all the way through Ab Ripper, stopping at 30 Mason Twists.

Today is Kenpo X. I'm waiting for Marc to finish his two hour bike ride on the trainer, and then I'll knock out some karate. More Blog Then!!!!

Marc is done... Time to Bring It!