Friday, June 26, 2009

Thought For Food

So I'm not feeling all that great today.  I don't mean physically, I mean mentally/emotionally.  I want to try a 24 hour fast, but truthfully am scared of being hungry for that long.  Really, I would rather not fast.  As great as the proponents make it sound, you still have to go all that time without eating.  I tried the leangains 16/8 fast, and I couldn't keep it up.  I have never even tried a 24 hour; it seems so daunting it scares me from even trying it.  So for now, I won't.  My eating is still unstructured, but not completely ad libitum.  I want to try a low carb again, and am thinking about trying it after Peachtree.  My diet is a work in progress.  I don't like the confines of a strict diet, proved by my rebellious cheat meals.  I enjoy the freedom of eating what I want, but know that that will lead me to weight gain, even with heavy exercise.  So what is the answer?  I think I will work on my food plan some more.
Right now, I am planning on going on a moderate-carb diet starting on 7/10/09.  A moderate-carb diet will be a daily carb intake of less than 150g.  I will try that for a while, and see how it goes.  I will still have whatever on my free meals, but try to keep them to 2 a week.  
As much as I don't want to, I believe that I must track my calories if I am not going to gain weight.  I would love to not count calories, but I think that would require great restriction on what I could eat.  I have time on my workdays before work to track my calories.  I should do this as much as I can.  On free meal days, I will just watch what I eat for the rest of the day.  I need to work on not eating if I'm not hungry.  This would help me at least maintain my weight. 
You know, I'm sitting here thinking about trying to not count calories for several weeks, and see if I gain weight.  I will be tracking my body composition weekly, along with taking weekly pictures.  Screw tape measurements.  I will continue with my Sunday weigh-in, and see if I am gaining body fat.  Gaining muscle mass wouldn't be such a bad thing, but I can't believe that I can eat freely and not gain fat.  I guess I am going to put to the test the whole homeostasis thing.  Well, maybe 3 or 4 weeks won't be long enough for my body to work toward a stasis.  But I am tired of counting calories for now, and am definitely tired of dietary restrictions.  
I feel I should eat more vegetables, but I ate so much of them during my fat loss phase, I am a bit tired of brocolli and cauliflower.  I will eat up the ones I have in the freezer, and then just eat salads for a while.  Or soups, like my Pritikin vegetable soup. 
I wish I could eat whatever I wanted.  But I know that would make me fat.  I need to fine the balance between eating what tastes good, and what is good for me.  I do get tired of trying to find a diet that is sustainable.  I keep thinking it is out there, I just have to find it.  I do enjoy reading about low carb, for some reason.  It just seems like a healthy diet, and yet tasty and satisfying.   More on this later.

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