Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thoughts on Zero-Carb

So I'm reading Bear's forum replies and I must say, he puts on a good case for ZC. So here are my thoughts: Could he just be a unique individual who thrives well on ZC? Maybe. He has thrived, that is true. Could it work for me? I will not know unless I try. Why do I want to try? I am fascinated by it, and it seems to be a diet I could stick with, and would help me meet my goals of health, leanness, strength, and maybe even endurance. As far as adherence to the diet, I don't think it will be very easy. On the other hand, I don't think it will be very difficult. It will be somewhere in the middle. Let's face it: I was stuffing down those veggies, unless they were in some sauce. The only veggies I can say I love are green beans, and even then only flavored with bacon or ham like Mom made, or in GBC, in which most of the taste comes from the fat and salt of the cream of mushroom soup. I like onion, but as a flavor enhancer. I like tomatoes, but they are really a fruit. I like salad, but only with dressing, which is seasoning and fat. Other than that, I love popcorn, but that is a grain, not a veggie. So I can honestly say that I could give up veggies and be okay with it. But fruit, that is a different story. I like sweet things. I like candy. I like fruit. I like bread and grains and pasta, which are essentially sugar. Giving up grains, no problem. Sugar, that will be hard. Fruit, that will be hard. But can I do it? Honestly, I believe I can. I believe I must stick with it, and then I will reach "the point of no return," where it will be not something I miss. That is not to say I will never eat it again. As I put it in my previous post, I will allow indiscretions on special occasions. But for the month of August, where I have nothing special going on, I can stick with it for the month. Then indulge on my B-Day, and back at it on the 3rd.
From Bear:
We are the eaters of cows, and we must NOT eat their food. That is the way of Gaia, the Conscious Planet who has
placed us at the very pinnacle of the food-chain-eco-pyramid which is very small at the top. If we had remained
where we belonged, rather than stepping down a level or two, not only would we live well and enjoy good health,
but there would only be as many of us as the world can support. There would be no crowded struggling cities filled
with the desperately poor, no pollution and no destruction of the ecosystem. The planet cannot carry us at the
present population level, it is rapidly failing. The worst, most disastrous move we have made, worse even than the
wide spread havoc caused by our uptake of the fundamental superstitious religions, is the consumption of
vegetation. It has allowed us to infest the planet like ten thousand fleas on a Chihuahua. At least that is how I
view it. 5 million, or up to 10 million, maybe- but no more is a good human population level, NOT six thousand
Interesting point: Only after agriculture did we begin to overpopulate the planet. But we also may not have had the technological advances. Hmmm.

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