Saturday, August 1, 2009

August Challenge Day 1

I woke this morning at about 4am, and couldn't get back to sleep. This is on the heels of having trouble falling asleep, probably from the excitement of starting my new carnivore diet. It was heavy on my mind this morning, too. As I lay there in bed, I started to get hungry. But still I stayed in bed until about 5, then got up to make coffee and start my day, and my new diet.
Had a little more coffee than usual, about 3 and a half cups with cream. Then it was off to the gym. I'm in my 3rd week of Stronglifts 5X5, and it is going well. My squats are coming along nicely, without too much effort. I really like how I'm training to go as low as possible. It make me feel like a power-lifter! The bench press is difficult, but not terribly so. The push-ups are definitely hard. This morning I'm up to 75 for my first set, with a total of 155 in 3 sets.
After my weights, I went for a run around my neighborhood with my VFF. I took it easy, walking a lot and staying on the grass as much as I could when running. I went for about 40 minutes, and I don't believe that was too much. I will try to get out as much as I can, so my feet and legs can get used to it. This will only amount to 3-4 days a week probably, so that seems like a sensible number of days. And I will keep the runs short, between 30-60 min. Sounds good.
I made it through my entire shift without drinking coffee. This was rough, especially after a bad night of sleep. I was sleepy and irritable until about 445p, when I ate my second steak. It was rare and awesome! It brought my energy level right to where it is supposed to be. The power of meat!
So how I eat my steaks at work is this: I cook the steaks in the morning when I'm making my eggs. Then I cut them up, and put them in tupperware, so I don't have to cut then at work. Much more convenient. I keep them in the fridge at work until I'm hungry, then nuke them to get them hot again. I'm still learning how this goes, though. This morning, I made so much smoke while cooking it set off the smoke alarm. And at work, I nuked one of my steaks so much it cooked it to medium! But hey, I'm learning.
I'm thinking about losing the cream. I have a pint to use, then I think I'll go back to black. No carrageenan that way. I'm also going to stop all supplements, including fish oil. Forgot to take it today, so I'll just continue the trend!
I think I may need to be looking at this as a one-day-at-a-time thing. Between three and six weeks, my body will have keto-adapted. But until that happens, I have to take it day by day and not cheat. I can make it. Almost one day down!

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