So I was thinking about fringe diets and my own diet. Keeping an open mind, I believe that those fringe diets such as paleo or low/zero carb can and would work with me, if I adhered to them. But honestly, I like "bad" food too much to stop eating it entirely. I have tried many times to not "cheat", and always come back to the "bad" food. What's more, is that it always makes me happy when I have a meal of the "bad" food. So that's what I need to remember. Like that yoga post, eating "bad" food is part of me, and I enjoy it. If I eat it all the time, I will gain fat. But if I keep it in moderation, like a few times a week, I will either maintain or lose fat, depending on my calorie intake during the rest of the time. This has been proved personally. So that is my diet solution: Eat healthy most of the time, and then have my out meals or pizza or desert a few times a week. That is reasonable, and can even be considered a healthy diet. Will this diet make me "shredded"? Probably not. But I don't want to sacrifice my out meals or pizza or desert to be shredded. I like eating too much. I like eating my comfort food too much. I want to eat a po boy if I want. (BTW I want one soon!) I want to eat a hamburger with a bun if I want. And so I will. But, I need to keep it in moderation, if I don't want to gain fat. So, I will keep on not listening to all the diet advice, and eat what I want, but what I know to be healthy, or healthy-ish. (Or what tastes good!) I do need to get back to tracking calories, though. I will use my modified BFFM plan, which is tracking calories 5 days a week, and have 2 days a week which will be "refeed" days. On those days, I will have an out meal(s) or pizza and not really worry about calories. And for the 5 days, I will work a small deficit, maybe like 10-15%, leaning more to 10%. I will keep fat and protein high, and carbs low, but not worry about a carb number or percentage. I will try to keep protein at 1 gram per pound, if I can. I will try low carb ways, but go off them when I want. I'll eat fruit if I want. I'll eat vegetables only if I want, which is not too often. I will continue to take my multivitamin, but only that. I will try to eat as cheaply as possible. I need to simplify my diet, so that I can put that energy toward my spiritual growth and other things. The calorie counting will take some time and energy, but I've done it before and I can do it again. Once I get a general diet down, it won't really change that much daily. Although I still need to figure what I will eat at work. I am tired of turkey and vegetables. And I don't care if I ever eat tuna again. Lean cuisine, maybe? 4 a week may not cost too much. Canned soup is cheap too. I'll work it. I want to stay away from sandwiches, though. The less grains I eat the better, since I will be eating them on out meals.
You know, I have lost my taste for some unhealthy foods, like chips and sugared cereal. Sometimes chips are okay, but only a little. And cereal I don't really miss anymore, especially sugared. But I still love most candy, and chocolate, and bread, and pasta, and other foods like that. So I will keep it moderate, and enjoy my eating. It makes me happy!