Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Power Of Publix

Slept well, and woke about 515a.  Made coffee, and drank it while reading my reader.  Then to Gold's for another 5X5 session.  I am really loving this program.  I am making improvements every workout.  I know I will stall at some point, but I feel I am totally building a solid foundation for when it gets really hard.  I like this style of weight lifting, which is really more like powerlifting.  I haven't ever tried that before; I was always more interested in body sculpting and traditional bodybuilding.  So, I'll stick with this until it stops being fun, or I can't progress anymore.  I will hit my genetic limit of strength at some point, at least that what the Stronglifts pdf says.  I figure I can tough it out for the 12 week program, and then decide what to do then.

I had a bit of a challenge with my diet today.  Now that I've decided to ditch the whole ZC thing, this morning I realized I didn't have any food to bring to work.  I made my eggs for breakfast, but I didn't want to stink up the apt cooking a steak.  So I thought that maybe I would go out and get something for lunch, like Chic-fil-a.  After tossing that idea around a bit, I decided it would be better if I just went to Publix and picked up something there.  Cheaper, more healthy, and more variety.  I had plenty of time before my shift after breakfast, so I grabbed my Publix bag and headed to the one on Mahan.

I picked up a pint of whole milk to drink right away; the 3 egg breakfast wasn't holding me too much.  Then I hit the deli to see what they had.  Fried chicken tenders, a big thing for like 7 bucks.  Nah, and I didn't want to get a sandwich.  I looked at the sushi, which I had yesterday, and finally settled on a small ready to mix Caesar salad.  And for a snack I picked up some semi-soft Babybel cheese.

All that was good, although the salad was pretty small.  After I ate it, I was still hungry, so I bought a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos out of the vending machine.  They tasted stale, although they were still fresh according to the date.  They just didn't taste good.  Not sure if my taste has changed or if I got a bum bag.  But, I finished it anyway.  Had a couple cans of Coke Zero too.  Still love soda, damn it.

So as the end of my shift approaches, I realize I am way too hungry to go to bed without eating something else.  I have nothing at home, so I thought I would just get fast food on the way home.  First I thought about Taco Bell, and even went to their site to see the menu.  It looked good, but I remembered the last two times I've gotten Taco Bell it was just-okay to not-that-good.  I was craving mexican, so I thought about getting La Fiesta to go.  That sounded pretty good, but checking out their menu it was going to cost me about $10.  That's a lot for one meal.  So I decided to once again hit Publix and get some a frozen dinner or some of those chicken tenders.  Fortunately for me, they had hot rotisserie ready, so I picked up one, along with a gallon of whole milk and some bacon that was on sale.  Now I have dinner and at least 2 more meals, plus bacon and milk for breakfast.  A much wiser, healthier choice.

And this is what I want to do.  I want to make good healthy choices, wise money choices, and still eat well.  I can do it, I just have to figure out how to do it.  And today is an example of what works.  My work food was a bit on the short side, but the night chicken was awesome and now I have breakfast.  I really feel like I made good choices.  Hey, I'm happy at least.

All for now.  See ya tomorrow.

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