Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Birthday Post

Following the format of Marc's birthday post, I will also do a status report of what things are like now.
I am living with Marc in Tallahassee, FL. We've been living in the same apartment complex since we moved here in '06, but are now in a first-floor apartment, and have been for a year. The Mimi, Marc's cat from Destin, is now living with us, and I must say she has totally turned me into a cat person. This is no small feat: I have disliked cats for a long long time; I have always been a hardcore dog person. But she is such a sweet cat, and when a cat gives affection (which is infrequent) it is awfully nice.
I am currently working for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) as a Senior Criminal Justice Information Technician in the Firearms Purchase Program. What that means is I work in a call center, taking calls from gun dealers all over the state and running criminal background checks on potential gun buyers, to make sure they qualify for purchase. I work four ten-hour days, from 10:30a to 9:00p F, Sa, M, T. I've been working here since the end of March. I love working for the state, and I totally dig my job. It is easy, stress free, and when we are not taking calls we can do anything we want, like surf the web or read or eat or whatever. The benefits are great, but the pay is not. Oh well, this is my "in" for a good government job. I am planning on sticking with this for a while.
I have been getting into weight lifting pretty seriously for a while, and am now doing a 5X5 strength training program. I am really enjoying going to the gym, and I am interested in seeing where this goes. I have been running too, and am planning on doing a half-marathon in Feb. I've been on the bike some too, but it is easier to just run. Club rides are fun when we get to them.
I am back in Recovery. I have been going to meetings regularly since the end of March. I have a sponsor, and have been diligently working the steps. I am currently on Step 8. I am convinced that active recovery is producing major changes in my attitude and outlook on life. The steps are helping me to grow spiritually, and that is having positive effects on every part of my life. I will continue with this journey of recovery, and see where it leads me.
I am not dating anyone presently. Marc and I don't really have any friends we hang out with. We are social at work, and I am socializing a bit with people at meetings. But we don't have any friends in Tallahassee, really. But that doesn't bother me too much, in that Marc, Recovery, and work satisfies much of my social needs. Not all, I realize, but this will come with time. As will female companionship. I don't need to rush these things. I am already making progress with being more social, and prefer to do it slowly. Living with Marc is a major factor. If we weren't together, I am sure I would need to be more social. But we are planning on living together for a while, and that is fine with me. It will most likely change at some time in the future. Until then, I am fine where things are at.
That's a brief descrip of where I am now. Hello 38th year!

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