Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Year of 2009

Recap of 2009. Started the year unemployed, having quit Waffle House in December. Marc was super helpful in supporting me while I was without work. I did get a big tax return and small checks from WH were streaming in for a while, but Marc really did most of covering me. Thanks, bro! I was briefly employed by Manpower as a temp working at the Tallahassee Airport as a clerk in the Maintenance department. That lasted a week and a half before they cut the job. During Jan, Feb and March, I started following Tom Venuto's BFFM program of diet and exercise, and started to lose some weight and got back to working out regularly. I was also starting to run, and Marc and I were doing races frequently. I was really hoping to get a State job, and after a very long hiring process I got a full-time job working at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as a Senior Criminal Justice Information Technician in the Firearm Purchase Program. My entire job is answering calls from gun dealers across the state to run criminal background checks on customers. Super easy, stress free. I work 4 ten hour days from 1030a to 9p. I really like it. During downtime, we can do pretty much anything as long as we are available to answer calls.

I tried to go a month without eating any grains. I made it 28 days. I didn't like it. I ran a bunch of races, including Peachtree in ATL. Awesome running with that many people. Should have started higher up tho. Participated in a weight-loss contest called RTP. Followed the program super strictly, and got down to 130lbs with about 8% BF. Gave it up, and tried to gain weight. I am now at 166, and after doing a 5X5 weight program focusing on full squat, bench press, and deadlift for the past 4 months, I am stronger now than I have ever been. I am also heavier than I have ever been. I will be trying to lose fat starting on Jan 2. I will still be doing a similar weight program, but will use a diet program similar to RTP to get me to lose fat. I will forgo running for non-impact gym cardio, and brisk walking.

I have been trying to practice drums more seriously. I have been primarily using Rock Band, and I am at the high end of Hard. I did buy a practice pad and a book, and will practice with the pad on days I can't play Rock Band. I have already started a streak, and will try to go the whole year of 2010 practicing drums every day. I will take lessons when I can afford them, and Marc says he will help me get an electric kit soon, hopefully this year.

I started a debt consolidation program in June, and am still working with it. Haven't accumulated any new debt for a while, and am working hard on getting control of my finances. I have a monthly budget which I follow, and a system of spreadsheets which balance my bank. My $2K+ debt to UWF is almost paid off, which is a huge accomplishment for me. Now, I just need less debt and more income. But if I stay with the state, I will get raises, or promotions. I have to just bide my time and pay off my debts.

I tried to grow a moustache for Movember, and made it 3 weeks before shaving it off. No facial hair for me! I am growing my hair out right now. It is off all one length, and I want to go one more month before taking it to a real stylist and doing something with the length.

Marc has decided he will pursue Ironman tri's again. He is on a new program and it seems good. He bought a power meter. He is also getting pretty good at guitar. He has been taking lessons for a while now, and is practicing regularly. We will be a band one day!

The Mimi is still our pet. She is a good kitty. We are still living at Evergreens. I am still driving my Saturn. I still have my iMac.

That's it for now. I will have a New Year Resolution post around the 1st.

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