Thursday, April 16, 2009

Examining My Goals

I'm so quickly becoming accustomed to not eating grains that I forgot to notice I'm two weeks in. My new concentration on intermittent fasting is proving to be a large distraction from missing grains. I feel I need to clarify my goals once again. After immersing in Primal and now IF, I have to decide how I want to go. Do I want to focus on aesthetics or fitness? Do I want to increase my 1RM or look like Arnold?
Let me list what I know:

I want to be as healthy as I can be.
I want to look good naked.
I want to be super lean.
I want to be strong, but only care a little about a high 1RM.
I want to look like the guys on the covers of fitness mags.
I want to be fast running and on the bike. Not winning fast, just good for me fast.
I want to eat super clean.

Now to examine each, one by one.

I want to be healthy, as does everyone. I can achieve this by doing what I am already doing, exercising and proper nutrition. Primal is very healthy eating, and my weight training along with my evolution of cardio seems to be working. It's a work in progress.
I want to look good naked, as that is the best overall indicator of how I want my appearance to be. It seems I may be putting too much emphasis on appearance, but honestly, that's where I am right now and I will use it as motivation. But it is NOT my main priority, my end-all-be-all goal. Health still beats it out.
I want to be super lean. This will help me look good naked. I am shooting for a BF of 6% to see if I can reach it, and to see what it looks like on me. It is probably a bit low for health, but my plan is once I reach it I can start a gain cycle without raising my BF too high.
I want to be strong. I want to have strength, not just a bodybuilder who only cares about the size of his muscles and body comp. I want to have genuine strength, for use when I need it. Not that I have much need for it, but if I do need it, I'll have it. A high 1RM is really only good for powerlifting competitions and bragging to other guys. It would be a little nice, but only a little. I do want to have a high strength-to-weight ratio. I already have a good one; I know I can have a great one. That is what I want.
I do want to look like those guys on mag covers. Call me vain, but for some reason I think it would be really cool to look like that. I know I can't look exactly like that, but it's like a perfection to strive for. I know it's still appearance, but like I said before, that's just where I am right now. It will probably change.
I want to be fast. That will only come with training. I don't want to do chronic cardio, but I do want to enjoy myself when I ride and run. And I want to know I can kick ass when I want to. This will be tricky without structured training. I enjoy the hikes I've been taking, and the easy rides. The running races have been cool, but I am going to cut down on their frequency. Focus on only a few select races and then kick ass. Riding is fun.
I want to eat super clean. I am doing it, and I will continue it. I still want free meals, but I am getting more and more used to eating clean. I'm actually starting to enjoy it! I'm fascinated with nutrition and will continue to experiment with Primal/Paleo and IF.
So what to do?
I will keep going with losing BF. I will continue to monitor cals and macros, and work a calorie deficit. I will try a leangains cycle, while doing 5X5. I will follow a Primal diet, and continue with this 30 day no grain experiment. I will ride and run and hike. Basically, I will continue to do what I am currently doing. I have really just started Primal/IF. I need to take it easy and think long term. Meanwhile, I am trying, and succeeding, in enjoying the journey into ultimate fitness. Once I get settled in my new schedule, I will have more structure for all my endeavors.

That's one long post!

Food Log Day 15:

Coffee (Black, ~6 cups)
3 Whole Scrambled Eggs
2tbsp Organic Butter
2oz Beef Jerky
12oz Turkey
1 Bag Bird's Eye Brussel Sprouts
2oz Raw Almonds
2 servings Raw Spinach
Chunked Tomato
2tbsp Newman's Own 3 Cheese Balsamic
1 Apple
1 Can Salmon
1scp Protein Powder
Multi, VitC, Fish Oil

1840 Cals: 96g Carbs, 182g Protein, 92g Fat

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